Cement Testing
Every engineering effort is accompanied by a concept, a design, and a building project. Following the completion of the project on paper, CICE may assist in making the idea a reality by ensuring that processes work smoothly, building sites are safe, and trustworthy materials are employed.
CICE's advantages in terms of knowledge, experience, and cutting-edge analytical equipment enable it to conduct a wide range of studies linked to the investigation and analysis of diverse items such as cement, building materials, roadwork, soil, and wood.
Our Consultancy wings are made up of highly skilled experts with deep domain understanding in the relevant industries. Using our unique knowledge and skills in instrumentation, we assist our customers in their individual work areas to help them improve their production and efficiency.
Cement, concrete, sand, aggregates, bricks, stones, lime, additives, micro silica, pipes, etc. Fly ash and its derivatives, Pavers, Gypsum Water, Wood, Ply, Soil, Bituminous mix, Mastic asphalt, GSB, WMM, WBM, Grout, Bentonite, Water Proofing compound, Coating material, Bitumen, Modified Bitumen, Aluminium section, M S plate, Steel, Angle, Wires, Water, Wood, Ply, Soil, Bituminous mix, Mastic asphalt, GSB, WMM, WBM
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