+91 7696903181, +91 7696903182
9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Concrete Testing

Concrete Testing

Concrete Consulting Engineers CICE is an experienced concrete/materials consulting company that provides examination and troubleshooting of concrete construction-related difficulties such as:

  1. Shotcrete  and low strength concrete
  2. Concrete flatwork Delamination 
  3. Flatwork or pavement joints that have been damaged prematurely

Cracking that is uncontrolled

  1. Premature deterioration of durability
  2. Scaling, spalling, blisters, dusting, pop outs, discolouration, and other problems are common.
  3. Damage caused by fire
  4. Honeycombing
  5. Frost injury
  6. Other forms of degradation that have an impact on concrete performance

CICE provides project document reviews, condition surveys, field testing coordination, and sample extraction for laboratory testing of field samples. Data and observations acquired in the field, as well as overall analysis, are provided in brief reports that serve as the foundation for conceptual repair suggestions. CICE also provides legal help on an as-needed basis.